
Showing posts with the label Social distancing
 It should be remembered that back then the reason many people maintained  social distancing was  not just because the government told them  to do so but because they were genuinely fearful and this was caused by the relentless nightly images broadcast by our emotionally headline hungry mainstream news channels from the worst affected of our hospitals. But although many remained insensitive to the fears of others some were more considerate.
 Except for runners and joggers social distancing had for most people had become ingrained and their holidays were likely to be different:
 Amazingly people began speculating on returning to the old pleasures and many resumed their holiday plans as if nothing had happened. This pandemic has highlighted just how desperate the British are to leave their own island in the summer. But how were they  going reach their destinations in the new age of social distancing? Ryanair’s boss said social distancing could not be accommodated on planes although an innovative solution was proposed:
 The craving to be outside as a result of the compulsion to stay at home for 23 hours a day led people to seek out open spaces where they could but the the law of unintended consequences, ensured that the social distancing rule would be broken as everyone wanted to be in the same place at the same time. Beauty spots became magnets for daytrippers:
 The bad news for the bugs was the introduction of social distancing which meant that no humans should be closer than 2m to anyone outside of their own  household. This must have been bad news for them  but their job is to mutate and it seemed likely that they were already gearing up to overcome this new obstacle: